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Friday Freakout: Skydiver Refuses To Cut Away, Clears Line Twists By 600 Feet!
Friday Freakout: Skydivers FORGET To Pull Parachute, Saved By AAD! Altitude Awareness Fail!
Friday Freakout: Skydiver Skims Power Lines and Rooftop on Tight Off DZ Landing
Friday Freakout: Skydiver Breaks Arm With Hand Stuck in Line Twists
Friday Freakout: Diving Line Twists, Skydivers Nearly Collide Under Canopy
Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Sketchy Low Cutaway, Reserve Parachute Open By 500 Feet!
Friday Freakout: Skydiver's Possible Out-of-Sequence Emergency Procedures + Reserve Line Twists
Friday Freakout: Line-Over or Mystery Malfunction?
Skydiver shows textbook cutaway of a spinning line twist.
Friday Freakout: Double Malfunction, Skydiver Clears Reserve Line Twists By 700 Ft.
Friday Freakout: Skydiver Has Dirty Low Opening, AAD Fire & Two-Out Malfunction
First cutaway - diving line twists - #417